Van Berkom reviews its proxy voting policy

We are pleased to share with you our new proxy voting policy, which is part of our initiative to increase our ESG efforts, as communicated in recent months.

This policy was drawn up by our internal teams with the help of CGC, a consulting firm specializing in ESG, as well as our ESG Advisory Committee. It testifies to our determination to apply ESG best practices and to translate our ESG vision into concrete action, notably through voting at shareholder meetings. The policy aims to act in the overriding interests of Van Berkom’s clients and to enhance the long-term value of their investments.

Our proxy voting policy, applying to all strategies managed by Van Berkom, is based on our responsible investment policy, which was revised and communicated to our clients last December, particularly with regard to the three major systemic risks identified at that time, namely: i) climate change; ii) diversity, equity and inclusion, and iii) cybersecurity.


Proxy voting policy


The policy also includes application guidelines. These guidelines cover:

Board structure

Executive compensation

Shareholders’ rights

Mergers and acquisitions

Reports, audit and approval of accounts

Financial structure

Environmental and social factors

Country and regional specificities


This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis, to take into account changes in the industry best practices and Van Berkom’s ESG positioning.

For more details, please contact your strategy’s senior portfolio manager directly, or one of the following: